Making Money is now Easier

Hi, friends and beginners, this blog is for people who think of making money through internet.


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In order to use Ad sense or any other affiliate program you must have your own Blog or Website. When i started my journey there were lot of articles but were confusing and lengthy , so i decided to help beginners in the world of Ad sense and Website Creation with simple Step by Step methodology.

Website Creation in 3 easy Steps

1) Domain needs to be registered.
2) Web Hosting
3) Start you're Site Building

Now let me teach you in brief how to use above steps: 

1) You need to register your domain which highlights your business, work or your interest. for example : for gardening choose something like (just an example). Best way to get optimum results go to Google Keyword tool and check which Keywords are used for your kind of business. If you need tutorial for Google keyword tool then check my Tutorial Page. 

You may find number of sites for registering your domain like:, bigrock & Sitegroud extra. Choose wisely what all you need before paying lump sum amount.

You will find number of extensions for your website like com, .net, .org, .info, .us, .biz, .tv and more but .Com is most popular one and next one would be .Net which is now secondarily used if .com is not available.

2) Now once you register your website or in other words once you get your desired domain, its time for web hosting. It is similar to as in some one promoting you or hosting your website. This company will also provide you with email address, free scripts for blogging, forums , shopping carts , space for your webpages and more. for example: Check my tutorial for web hosting in tutorial page.

3) There are two ways to build your website , either learn HTML/CSS /buy Software or avail free WordPress platform built in templates. 

I will not recommend free sites as whatever content you use , you will not be the owner. They might close their company and you will be clueless what happened to your website.
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